Dat Host Launches Minecraft servers!

As of today, we have Minecraft servers available for rent. You have the chance to get one cheap!

We’ve been hard at work here at Dat Host, ensuring that we can give you a great service. Today’s update includes a new control panel(log in and take a look!), a credit system and Minecraft servers.

Minecraft servers

To celebrate the launch of our Minecraft servers, we’re offering all our packages for 50% off for the first month. Simply use this code:


You can see our packages below(1 Credit = €1(excl. possible VAT)):

Pony package – 4 credits (2 with discount) – 512 MB RAM
Horse package – 8 credits (4 with discount) – 1024 MB RAM
Warhorse package – 12.50 credits (6.25 with discount) – 2048 MB RAM
Centaur package – 19.25 credits (9.63 with discount) – 3072 MB RAM
Unicorn package – 23 credits (11.50 with discount) – 4096 MB RAM

As you can see, you can get a Minecraft server for as low as €2. Feel free to compare these prices to other providers, and we’re sure it’ll be an easy choice!

You can choose between a normal Minecraft server or a Craftbukkit one. If you need another type of server, simply let us know and we’ll arrange that for you.

If there are any plugins we haven’t installed that you wish to use, simply let us know, and we’ll get them installed as soon as possible. As always, you can reach us on info@dathost.net.

All our servers can be controlled through the awesome Multicraft control panel.

Game on!