CS2 Binds Generator
This tool will help you bind commands to rapidly buy weapons in CS2
1. Select a hotkey
F1 | F2 | F3 | F4 | F5 | F6 | F7 | F8 | F9 | F10 | F11 | F12 |
Insertins | Home | Pg Uppgup |
Deletedel | End | Pg Downpgdn |
| | |
| ↑uparrow | |
←leftarrow | ↓downarrow | →rightarrow |
Num Lock | /kp_slash | *kp_multiply | -kp_minus |
7kp_home | 8kp_uparrow8 | 9kp_pgup | +kp_plus |
4kp_leftarrow | 5kp_5 | 6kp_rightarrow |
1kp_end | 2kp_downarrow | 3kp_pgdn | Enterkp_enter |
0kp_ins | .kp_del |
Selected key:
2. Select weapons and equiment
3. Copy your console commands
Hint: You can bind as many keys as you want by repeating step 1 and 2Start overSelect all
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