How to Set a Custom Picture for Your Minecraft Server

Changing your server’s icon is a quick way to make it stand out and grab players’ attention. With just a few easy steps, you can set a custom Minecraft server icon and give your server a personal touch. It’s simple and only takes a few minutes!


  1. Prepare Your Image: Make sure your icon is 64×64 pixels and saved as a .png file.
  2. Upload the Server Icon: Upload the server-icon.png directly into the root directory.
  3. Restart Your Server: Restart to apply the new icon.
  4. Verify the Icon: Check your server to ensure the icon appears correctly.

Step 1: Prepare Your Image

️Before you can change your server’s picture, you need the following:

  • 64×64 pixels image.
  • Saved as a .png file.
  • It has to be named server-icon.png.

It’s important that the image file is named exactly server-icon.png (including the .png extension). You can’t just name it server-icon without the extension.

In order to find an image with the previous requirements, you can also use an image editor like Canva or this online resize tool to create or resize your image.

Keep it simple, and make sure it fits the size!

Where Can I Check the Image Size?

On Windows:

  • Right-click the image file (the one you want to use as your server icon).
  • Click on Properties.
  • Under the Details tab, look for the Dimensions section. It will show the width and height in pixels (make sure it’s 64×64).

On Mac:

  • Right-click the image file and select Get Info.
  • In the info window, you’ll see the Dimensions listed (again, make sure it’s 64×64).

Once you’re happy with your image, you’re ready for the next step!

Step 2: Upload the Server Icon to Dathost

Log into your Dathost Control Panel

Navigate to Your Server Settings

  • Once logged in, go to the Servers section.
  • Select the Minecraft server for which you want to set the custom icon.
Navigating to server settings in the Dathost control panel for Minecraft server configuration.

Access the File Manager

  • In your server panel, locate and open the File Manager Tab.
  • You should already see the root directory of your Minecraft server.

Upload the Icon

  • In the File Manager, upload the server-icon.png directly into the root directory (the same folder where the eula.txt file is located).
Root directory of a Minecraft server visible in the Dathost File Manager, typically the first folder accessed.

How can I Identify the Root Directory?

  • The root directory is usually the first folder you see when you access your Minecraft server files via a file manager or FTP client.

In this directory, you’ll find files such as:

  • server.jar: The main file that launches the server.
  • eula.txt: The End User License Agreement file (you need to agree to this to run the server).
  • The file that contains server configuration settings.
  • logs folder: Contains logs for server events.
  • world folder: This folder contains your world data (unless you’re using a custom world setup).

Step 3: Restart Your Server

  • After the upload is complete, you need to restart your server for the changes to take effect.
  • In order to restart your Minecraft server, find the Stop button in your Dathost control panel and hold it.
Restarting a Minecraft server from the Dathost control panel to apply changes.

Step 4: Verify the Icon

  • After the server restarts, open Minecraft and add your server to your server list.
  • When the server appears, the custom icon should be visible next to the server name.

Additional Tips

  • Cache Issue: If the icon doesn’t show up immediately, try restarting your Minecraft client or clearing the server list cache.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Q: Can I use an animated GIF as a server icon?
A: No, Minecraft does not support animated GIF images for server icons. The server icon must be a static image, in .png.

Q: How do I change the server icon again after the initial setup?
A: You can change the server icon at any time by uploading a new server-icon.png file to the root directory and restarting the server. The new icon will be displayed after the restart.

Q: Will my server icon show up for all players?
A: Yes, once you set the custom icon and restart the server, all players who add or refresh your server in their server list will see the custom icon (as long as they are using a compatible Minecraft version).

Q: Can I set a custom server icon for a modded Minecraft server?
A: Yes, you can set a custom icon for any Minecraft server, including modded servers. Just make sure the icon is placed in the root directory and named correctly as server-icon.png.

Q: What happens if I don’t set a server icon?
A: If you don’t upload a custom server icon, Minecraft will display the default server icon, which is just a small Minecraft logo. Setting a custom icon is optional but allows for a more personalized experience for players joining your server.