How to Edit Valheim Server Settings

Looking to elevate your Valheim gameplay? This guide is your gateway to mastering the customization options and administration tools of Valheim servers. Delve into server modification, from tweaking launch parameters for personalized settings to wielding admin powers and managing player access with finesse.

Discover the possibility of personalizing your server name, setting entry passwords, and even enabling cross-platform play between PC and Xbox users. Gain insights into admin privileges, and learn the art of effectively whitelisting or banning players to create a vibrant and engaging gaming community.

By the end of this article, you’ll be armed with the knowledge to not only fine-tune your Valheim server but also create a welcoming community space and manage player interactions with ease.

Launch Parameters

The launch parameters are the ones that you apply to the batch script, used to start the server. This file is typically found here: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Valheim dedicated server called start_headless_server.bat

The original contents of the file look like this:
valheim_server -nographics -batchmode -name "My server" -port 2456 -world "Dedicated" -password "secret" -crossplay

You can add, remove, or modify the values of the parameters, and make them apply by rebooting the server (close and start the batch script).

List of launch parameters

Parameter Value Description
-public 0 or 1 When enabled (1), the server will be listed in the community browser for others to find.
-name Any This parameter will set the name of the server, which will be visible in the server browser.
-port Numeric Default is (2456). This parameter sets the port of your server, used when connecting.
-world Any The name of the world which you want the server to host.
-password Any The password used when joining the server. Cannot be the same or contain the world name.
-password Any The password used when joining the server. Cannot be the same or contain the world name.
-crossplay None Add this parameter to allow for PC and Xbox players entering the server. Implementing this will ensure that the network routing is directed through PlayFab rather than the Steam network.
-savedir Folder path Add this parameter to point the save-data to a specific folder.

Admin Settings

It’s important to note that the available admin actions are quite limited. Generally, you can only perform tasks such as kicking and banning players. For more substantial modifications to the gameplay, you’ll need to rely on mods. Dev commands are not available by default on Valheim Dedicated Servers.

Adding Admins (PC)

  1. Locate the admin file. It’s typically located in: SaveDir/adminlist.txt
  2. Get your SteamID64 and paste it into the file (one per line). You can find your SteamID here.
  3. Save the file and Reboot the server. Your Steam account will now be a server admin.

Adding Admins (Xbox)

  1. Start the Valheim Server and connect to it using your Xbox account.
  2. Open the server console.

    You will see both your XBOX User ID and your character name a few lines down the road. Copy the Xbox ID. Visible example below:
  3. Locate the admin file. It’s typically located in: SaveDir/adminlist.txt
  4. Paste the Xbox User ID into the file.
  5. Save the file and Reboot the server. Your Xbox account will now be a server admin.


A whitelist, or permitted players, could be a useful tool if you want to limit which players can join your server. If you use an allowlist, only those users can join the server, whether or not they know the server’s IP and password.

Whitelisting Players

  1. Locate the permitted file. It’s typically located in: SaveDir/permittedlist.txt
  2. Get your SteamID64 and paste it into the file (one per line). You can find your SteamID here.

    For Xbox users, paste the Xbox User ID into the file. Please see the instructions on how to find your Xbox ID here.
  3. Save the file and Reboot the server. The listed account(s) will now be whitelisted.

Bans and Unbans

When banning a player, the player won’t be able to reconnect to the server anymore.
This can be useful if a player is breaking server rules or is simply not welcome.

Banned List

  1. Locate the permitted file. It’s typically located in: SaveDir/bannedlist.txt
  2. In order to have a player banned, simply paste the SteamID64 of the player into the file (one ID per line). You find the SteamID64 of the player you intend to ban here.

    For Xbox users, paste the Xbox User ID into the file. Please see the instructions on how to find your Xbox ID here.
  3. If you want to unban someone, simply remove the ID from the file instead.
  4. Save and Reboot the server for the changes to take effect. Done!

You can also kick and ban players from the in-game console. For instructions on how to do that, please read: Valheim Console Commands: Ban and Kick Players

FAQ – Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How can I back up my Valheim server world and settings?
A: To back up your server, locate the world save file in the directory specified by the ‘-savedir’ launch parameter. Simply copy this folder to create a backup of your world and server settings.

Q: Can I change the server settings without restarting the entire server?
A: Unfortunately, most changes to server settings require a server restart to take effect. This ensures that new settings are properly applied and reflected in the gameplay experience.

Q: Are there any limitations to server modification that I should be aware of?
A: While you can adjust various settings and manage players, substantial gameplay modifications usually require mods. The default admin actions are limited to tasks like kicking, banning, and basic server management.

Q: How do I troubleshoot connection issues for players trying to join my server?
A: Ensure that the server’s port is open and properly forwarded on your router. Verify that the server name, password (if set), and any whitelist settings are correctly configured.

Q: Is it possible to run multiple Valheim servers on one machine?
A: Yes, it’s possible to run multiple Valheim servers on one machine by adjusting the launch parameters to use different ports and save directories for each server.

Q: Can I run mods on my dedicated Valheim server?
A: Yes, you can install mods on your Valheim server, but it might require additional setup and compatibility checks. Make sure that all players connecting to your modded server have the same mods installed to avoid issues.

Q: How do I manage server performance and reduce lag?
A: Optimizing server hardware, limiting the number of simultaneous connections, and periodically clearing unnecessary data (like old player structures) can help improve server performance and reduce lag.

Q: Where can I find additional resources and support for Valheim server modification?
A: Community forums, official Valheim Discord servers, and dedicated server hosting platforms often provide valuable resources, guides, and support for server administrators seeking help or advice.